Textile and apparel e-commerce continues to grow in 2019, and the process of industrial digitization is accelerating

In 2019, the textile industry will continue to deepen the supply-side structural reforms, continue to accelerate the transformation and upgrading, and strive to overcome the pressure of downside risks, achieving relatively stable development. With the development and maturity of the e-commerce system in China, the period of high-speed growth of e-commerce in the textile and apparel industry has ended and entered a stage of rational development; new models, new formats, and new consumption are developing rapidly, and the process of industrial digitization is gradually accelerating. In 2019, e-commerce in the textile and apparel industry continued to grow, with e-commerce transactions amounting to 6.69 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.06%.
1. The status quo of industry e-commerce development in 2019
(1) The e-commerce transaction volume of the industry continues to grow, and the contribution rate of e-commerce to the industry continues to strengthen
According to estimates, in 2019, the value of e-commerce transactions in the textile and apparel industry was 6.69 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.06%. Among them, the value of e-commerce transactions between textile and apparel companies (B2B) was 4.90 trillion yuan, and the online retail sales of apparel and home textiles was 1.67 trillion yuan. The amount of e-commerce transactions in the industry continued to grow and the market scale further expanded; the contribution rate of e-commerce to the industry continued to increase, the production efficiency of enterprises was improved, the online transaction model was optimized and innovative, and the e-commerce service system was increasingly improved, further promoting industrial transformation and upgrading.
(2) Inter-enterprise (B2B) e-commerce has developed steadily
In 2019, the amount of e-commerce transactions between textile and apparel companies (B2B) was 4.90 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.61%, accounting for 73.24% of the industry's e-commerce transactions. The B2B e-commerce platform has continuously strengthened cooperation with industrial clusters and professional markets, promoted the implementation of specialized and precise services, and increased the enthusiasm for enterprises to apply e-commerce.
(3) Clothing and home textile online retail occupy an important position in online retail
In 2019, the online retail sales of apparel and home textiles was 1.67 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.97%, accounting for 19.60% of the online retail sales of physical goods across the country. In 2019, the number of 14 online retail platform stores monitored by the big data of the Ministry of Commerce was 19.469 million, of which clothing, shoes and hat stores accounted for 33.1%, ranking first.
(4) The development of professional market e-commerce has accelerated the pace of market digital transformation
According to estimates, in 2019, the e-commerce transaction volume in the textile and apparel professional market was 1.47 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.89% (Figure 4), accounting for 21.97% of the industry's e-commerce transaction volume. The textile and apparel professional market uses modern information technology to give play to the agglomeration effect of small and medium-sized enterprises, integrate R & D design, processing and manufacturing, quality inspection, brand operation, distribution channels, network platforms, logistics and other industrial chain resources, and gradually establish a platform ecosystem.
2. The characteristics of industry e-commerce development in 2019
(1) The live broadcast mode is popular all year round
2019 is called the first year of live broadcasting. At the beginning of the year, Taobao launched the Taobao live app. The outstanding performance of live broadcast celebrities represented by Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya has attracted widespread attention. By the end of 2019, most powerful e-commerce platforms have already One after another, the live broadcast delivery model has been launched, and the live broadcast delivery has become an incremental market of hundreds of billions of grades. The leading cluster represented by Changshu Garment City continues to launch the "industrial belt + live broadcast" model to achieve the in-depth integration of the cluster market and live broadcast goods; in 2019, Changshu Garment City live broadcast sales exceeded 5 billion, and invited external celebrities Developed into the cultivation and incubation of the local Internet celebrity brand "Boss Lady Drive", the application of the model has been continuously deepened.
(2) Rapid integration of short video and e-commerce
With the rapid rise of short video platforms represented by Douyin and Kuaishou, short video marketing has developed rapidly, and short video has become a phenomenal event in the era of the mobile Internet in 2019. From marketing to conversion, from internet celebrities to merchants, to the presence of merchants, mainstream short video platforms have accelerated the process of e-commerce, leading a new transaction model. Traditional e-commerce platforms have also begun to gradually transform and add more short video content segments.
(3) "centralized" and "decentralized" e-commerce complement each other
The gradual disappearance of traffic dividends, the continuous development of mobile Internet technology, and changes in consumer shopping habits and behaviors. The "decentralized" and "de-traffic" e-commerce platforms provide enterprises with new channels to reach consumers, but also for mobile Social e-commerce has provided powerful help and has become the choice of more and more textile and apparel business merchants. The e-commerce transaction model has gradually evolved into a situation where two poles coexist. One is a “centralized” e-commerce represented by Tmall, JD.com, etc., and the other is a “decentralized” represented by WeChat applets, vibrato, etc. Mobile e-commerce. Under the high-speed development trend of "decentralized" e-commerce, "centralized" e-commerce also continuously obtains traffic entrances of other social platforms through cooperation, acquisitions, etc., and constantly innovates platform operation content to strengthen the brand and consumers within the platform. viscosity.
(4) Development of digital empowerment industry
In 2019, digital applications have been further deepened in the industry, and new retail formats such as unmanned supermarkets and unmanned shelves are at the forefront of self-service consumption; the 3D fitting system optimizes the shopping experience; the intelligent image recognition system can achieve Intelligent pattern matching and other functions; cloud computing integrates data from people and goods yards, enriches user portraits, and accurately predicts changes in consumer demand. The digital transformation of the industry is developing from the simple layers of changes in sales channels and digitalization of stores to the deep direction of intelligent operation management, customization and personalized services.
3. Judgment of industry e-commerce development trends
(1) Online and offline integration will become the mainstream development model of industry enterprises
Both online and offline channels have gradually evolved from a state of competition in the past to a state of integration, and will become an important means for many businessmen in the industry to survive and seek development. "Online consumption + offline experience" model combines the advantages of online and offline channels, online consumption is convenient and fast, and is not limited by geographical space, offline physical stores can make up for the lack of tactile and experience online Sex, increase conversion rate through offline experience, attract consumers to return online to complete purchases, and provide consumers with multi-touch and convenient multi-scenario shopping solutions.
(2) The "social + content + e-commerce" model has become a new breakthrough in the development of e-commerce
In the past two years, social e-commerce has risen rapidly relying on the low traffic cost brought by independent communication. The e-commerce platform for socialized operations has continued to increase; content has become the basic necessary facilities of e-commerce platforms, such as Taobao, JD.com and other traditional E-commerce platforms have strengthened the creation of content ecology, and various new e-commerce platforms have made greater efforts to rely on good original content to continuously create new consumer demands. The combination of high-quality content and social model allows creators and consumers to establish a trust link, which brings high viscosity, high activity and high purchase conversion rate, which is the future competitiveness of the "social + content + e-commerce" model Where.
(3) The sinking market has great potential and there are many opportunities for market segmentation
With the gradual saturation of user consumption in first- and second-tier cities, user groups from third- and fourth-tier cities to rural villages and towns will become the new development focus of e-commerce platforms. Their disposable income is not necessarily lower than that of white-collar workers in large cities, and the population is stable. Word-of-mouth communication has a strong effect and great potential for development. At the same time, consumption upgrades are not simply product price upgrades, but consumers ’demands for more diversified products. In the Internet era, consumers’ individual needs can be quickly gathered together to form market segments, each The sub-markets all extend a strong consumer market and bring new market development opportunities.
(4) Digital transformation promotes the development of industrial Internet
The process of industrial digitalization and interconnection is accelerating, which further promotes the transformation of China's consumer market from consumer Internet to industrial Internet. Driven by e-commerce, 5G, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other digital technologies will accelerate the penetration and integration of the real economy; open technology platforms will continue to empower SMEs, and digital industrial clusters are accelerating; logistics warehousing, Service providers related to apparel e-commerce such as supply chain management, electronic payment, and information technology will also continue to improve their digital capabilities, innovate solutions, and form a more diversified development pattern.